
2016藏曆火猴年 “覺海明燈”作明佛母年度共修公告 Notice for 2016 Tibetan Male Fire-Monkey Year “Awakening Beacon” Kurukulle Annual Practice

2016藏曆火猴年 “覺海明燈”作明佛母年度共修公告
Notice for 2016 Tibetan Male Fire-Monkey Year
Awakening Beacon” Kurukulle Annual Practice

2016-03-03 色登之路
Sedengzhilu March 3, 2016

Zuoming Buddha Mother, also called Kurukulle, is the Yidam of empowerment and love in Tibetan Buddhism. Virtue of Kurukelle spreads across three worlds care-freely and spontaneously, therefore she is also known as “Dakini of Magic and Enchantments” that possesses immeasurable virtue.

The greatness of Kurukulle lies in her potent power that benefiting people who prays to, worship or cultivate Kurukulle.


Worldly benefit:
Career: There be a rise of immense fortune and karmic reward; improvement in relations with people; rise of authority; perfection in all kind of worldly business. Especially good for those who work in enterprise or company unit as it helps to gain recognition, follower’s respect, customer’s loyalty and some other similar power.
Love: All love relating wishes such as lovers to get married, harmony between spouses, intelligent and beauty of oneself or others should all be fulfilled. It also brings great contribution to harmony in marriage, parent-child relationship and love & career.


Transcendental benefit:
Able to obtain long-live body; wonderful and truthful sound of speech, unified heart & mind. The provisions fortune and wisdom become greatly accomplished and a smooth path in Dharma practice. A potent power of magnetization enabling one to attract all sentient beings. The ability to brighten sentient beings, remove delusion, rigid and many other countless merit.

Notice for 2016 Tibetan Male Fire-Monkey Year
Awakening Beacon” Kurukulle Annual Practice

2016 is a very supreme year of the Fire-Monkey in Tibetan calendar. To better benefit beings, having observed by Tenzin Zangpo Rinpoche with mercy: This year one may receive special blessing with practicing Kurukulle, if we make pure wishes and attend practice with deep faith, this will bring supreme blessing to our business affairs, in purifying karmic debt as well as increasing good encounters.


This annual practice includes practice of Kurukulle Mantra, hanging of Kurukulle prayer flag and prayer banners, all practices except Mantra will be announced separately for further information, please take note.

Period of practice:
From date of release to February 26, 2017 (Tibetan calendar Dec 30)

Practice item:
Kurukelle Mantra: According to guru indication, one should persist in chanting 108 times daily in order to participate, 50,000 times is considered great completeness.

三、共修辦法: Practice method:

1Method in participating “Kurukelle Annual Practice”:
Chanting Kurukelle Mantra 108 times daily in order to participate, ideally is to complete Kurukelle Mantra 50,000 times. Better off to burn Kurukelle incense while chanting.

說明: Explanation 
Explanation: “The Incense Offering Practice of Kurukulle” (contain the Sadhana of Kurukulle), please press below “Read source text” for requesting Kurukulle incense powder.

2Email explanation:
To apply for the practice, please send your email to sedeng02@163.com (Please note that it is 02 mailbox)
Email subject line: “Kurukelle Annual Practice” (See attachment for sample)


3Consecrated Items as Reward:
To better benefit believers, guru Rinpoche allowed with mercy that, for those who have proper completed chanting Kurukulle for 50,000 times may receive a Vajrasattva knot.

Please bring forth the Bodhi resolve with The three Noble Principles in participating this practice. To give helping hands in goodness like light offering, incense offering, vase offering, food offering as well as practise discipline and vegan. At the same time to act according to the principles of cause and effect; make pure wishes and make sure the practice is accomplished on time and fulfilled as target.

If we hold a deep faith and make pure wishes fiercely and devoutly towards Kurukelle as if she is our guru, we must receive supreme blessing and extensive merit.
May the world enjoy peace, people happiness, Dharma prosperity and all beings Enlightenment soon!
Awakening Beacon Volunteer Group
March 3, 2016

A Simplified Sadhana of Kurukelle Smoke offering
(Permission from the Great Guru Tenzin Zangpo)

After lighting the Kurukulle Incense (omit this phrase if the Kurukulle Incense is not offered), while thinking how the Guru and Buddha are taking refuge and developing bodhicitta, I will take refuge and develop bodhicitta in the same way, and recite:

桑吉秋措杰南拉 Sāng jí qiū dāng cuò jié qiào nán lā 諸佛正法賢聖三寶尊  
香且瓦德呢嘉森且 Xiāng qiě wǎ dé dá ní jiā sēn qiě 從今直至菩提永皈依  
達給因所基波索南基 Dá gěi yīn suǒ jī bō suǒ nán jī 我以所修施等諸資糧  
卓拉潘穴桑吉哲巴效 Zhuō lā pān xué sāng jí zhé bā xiào 為利有情故願大覺成  

Prayer of Refuge and Bodhicitta (3 times)
I take refuge until I am enlightened
In the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Sangha
Through the merit I create by practicing giving and the other perfections
May I attain Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings

堅壇加得瓦得沃杰丹巴杰 願諸眾生永具安及安
Sēn jiān tán jiā dé wǎdàng dé wò jié dāng dān bā jié jié
錒當杰杰抓瓦杰 願諸眾生永離眾苦及苦因
Dé ā dāng dé ā jié jié dāng zhuā wǎ jié jié
美波得瓦丹巴當門抓瓦杰 願諸眾生永具苦之 我心喜
Dé ā měibō dé wǎ dān bā dāng mén zhuā wǎ jié jié
抓沃黨農巴杰 願諸眾遠離貪嗔之心 住平等舍
Niè ràng qiàdàng ní dāng zhuā wò dǎng nóng lā nèi bā jié jié

The Four Immeasurable Thoughts (3 times)
May all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness;
May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering;
May all sentient beings never be separated from the happiness that knows no suffering;
May all sentient beings live in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.


Dòng bǐ wēng lì bǐ ní ruò dēng dì

Shī lì rì xī wàng mǔ gòng duō mǎ

Gěi dòng luò zhēn bā qiè suǒ

Què dòng tūn mèng é zhù zuò

(If the incense is not offered, need not recite this prayer)

想上作明佛母心上有色“舍ཧྲི༔字,周色心咒“嗡咕汝咕列舍梭哈”環繞,放射如紅寶石般耀光芒,光上照自己空,遣除自己及六道生往生西方極樂世界、成就佛果的一切障礙違緣光下照,清自己及六道生所有的病魔罪,堵塞下道之光照射自身,得上作明佛母之一切加持。想上作明佛母心間紅色“舍”字放出另一“舍”字融入自己眉,同“嘎思德嗡”,佛母身加持成就;色“舍”字放出另一“舍”字融入自己喉,同嘎思德阿”, 佛母加持成就;色“舍”字放出另一“舍”字融入自己心,同資達思德吽”,佛母意加持成就。然后想上作明佛母化為紅色光明由自身頂門融入,自己變為與師無無別之作明佛母。
  一作明佛母心咒,一邊觀想咒隆隆遍滿三界,色光明遍布涅,鈎攝十方三世一切佛菩之慈悲、智慧、力量等一切悉地化為紅光融入自身,同天、、人三界的命、富、福德等一切有寂精也化為紅光融入自身, 如是虔心咒。

Method of Visualization:
Visualize the Guru as Kurukulle with a red character “Hrih ཧྲི༔ (shě) ” on the sun disc at heart, surrounded by the red mantra “OM KU RU KUL LE SEI SO HA”, emitting glittering radiation like a ruby, the red light irradiates into the emptiness above our head, dispel all the obstacles of oneself and the sentient beings in six realms to reborn in the Western Paradise and attain Buddhahood; the red light irradiates downwards, clean all the diseases and karma of oneself and all sentient beings, block the fall into the door of the three lower realms; the red light irradiates oneself, one obtains all the blessings of the Guru as Kurukulle. From the red character “Hrih ” at the heart of the Guru as Kurukulle, visualize another character “Hrih” is emitted and dissolved in between one’s eyebrows, recite “思德嗡 (gā rào sī dé wēng)” at the same time, obtaining the achievement of the body blessing from the darkini; another character “Hrih” is emitted and dissolved into one’s throat, recite “嘎思德阿 (rào gā sī dé ā)” at the same time, obtaining the achievement of the speech blessing from the darkini; another character “Hrih” is emitted and dissolved into one’s heart center, recite “資達思德吽 (zī dá sī dé hōng)” at the same time, obtaining the achievement of the mind blessing from the darkini. Then visualize the Guru as Kurukulle turned into red light and dissolved into one’s body through the crown of the head, instantly one turns into Kurukulle which is no difference as the Guru.

While reciting the mantra of Kurukulle, visualize the rumbling mantra filling the Three Worlds, red radiation exists throughout samsara and nirvana, from all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions and in the past, the present and the future hook compassion, wisdom, strength and all siddhi in the form of red light which dissolved into oneself, at the same time the life, wealth, merit and so on all the essence of silence of the three realms heaven, naga and human turn into red radiation and dissolve into oneself, as is devoutly recite the mantra.

The above are the self-visualization of yidam, if not get used, can also adopt the practice of making the visualization in front of oneself.

Mantra of Kurukulle

嗡 咕 汝 咕 列 舍 梭 哈
Wēng gǔ rǔ gǔ liè shě suō hā

(seven, twenty-one times, the more the better)

行 :

Visualize Kurukulle turn into red light, integrate into your ordinary body then your heart, relax and steady. When delusions arose, imagine you dedicate all your virtues to the great enlightenment exactly like how Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would have dedicated, in a flash you became Kurukulle. Then recite the prayer:

我今速以此善根 成就作明佛母尊
諸眾一余 悉皆安置此地
I now take this virtuous root to achieve Kurukulle. Hoping all beings to be settled right here.


Reciting of other virtue dedication mantra and auspicious chant at the end is also accepted.


